Whole Project Analysis Hard Errors Panel

This panel, which is selected by clicking the Whole Project Analysis Hard Errors tab next to the Analysis Results/Diagnostics tab, displays any hard parser errors for the project, broken down by TU (Translation Unit), even if the errors were the result of the lack of an appropriate license. As with the Analysis Results/Diagnostics panel, you can click on the column headings to sort the errors. Any diagnostic that is marked as a hard error cannot be suppressed, it represents the most severe form of error and leaving this unresolved may result in spurious diagnostics and/or missed subsequent diagnostics in the TU.

The TUs are expanded one level by default to show the errors. There are also options on the context menu for any of the items shown that allow you to expand and collapse the errors as required: Expand All Below (to expand all the levels below the current item), Collapse All Below (to collapse all the levels below the current item), Expand All Files (to expand all the levels for all items to the default single error level), and Collapse All Files (to collapse all the levels for all items).